A New View on Your Moves Activity

08 May 2014

The MOVE-O-SCOPE app allows you to explore your Moves history in ways the mobile app can’t

Free your Moves data from that tiny screen

If you use the Moves app to track your fitness, travel, or locations, you’ve probably noticed that your view of detailed activity is limited to one day at a time on your phone. We started tracking ourselves back in April 2013, so we had about a year’s worth of data that we wanted to explore.

MOVE-O-SCOPE allows you to see all of your activity on one map at one time. We think that’s pretty great, so we wanted to share this new power with you. You can filter the view by date, day of week, and time of day, so you can narrow down to specific points in time to rediscover what you were up to that day.

See places visited before and after

There’s one feature in particular that we really like. When you select a location that you’ve visited, you’ll see a detailed view of when you were there, what locations you came from, and what locations you went to after. From the place diagram that looks a bit like a spider, you can select other places and inspect the details of those as well. Personally, I’ve been sucked into this diagram and spent a long time clicking around and piecing memories together. It’s fun!

Also, check out the preset filters for weekdays, weekends, nightlife, and 9 to 5.

Plug in your Moves account, give it a whirl, and tell your friends!